Action Plan for the Conservation of Mexico’s Goodeid Fishes published today

Allotoca maculata © Günther Hulla

Action Plan for the Conservation of Mexico’s Goodeid Fishes Published Today

The Action Plan outlines the necessary steps for an integrated, ambitious multinational conservation programme for Mexican goodeids – the first time this has ever been done.

On 31 October, SHOAL and partners from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo’s AquaLab, Goodeid Working Group, Chester Zoo, and the Freshwater Conservation Committee launched the Action Plan for the Integrated Conservation of Mexican Goodeid Fishes.

Mexican goodeids are one of Earth’s most threatened groups of fishes, with 90% of the 40 known species threatened with extinction, and one already extinct. This Action Plan provides a framework to save these species for the first time, relying on robust partnerships of passionate and knowledgeable individuals and organisations.

The launch builds on previous conservation work by AquaLab, the Goodeid Working Group, and Chester Zoo to breed and reintroduce species such as the Extinct in the Wild Tequila splitfin and golden skiffia. Early signs show populations of both species are increasing.


“The Goodeid Working Group was founded in 2009 out of concern for the dramatic population declines of Mexican goodeid species and the large-scale loss of their habitats. Today, the group is part of a dedicated network working together with utmost effort to conserve goodeids, offering a real chance to save this amazing group for future generations.”

Michael Köck – Cofounder and Chair, Goodeid Working Group

“I’m delighted to see such a passionate group from diverse backgrounds come together to create a plan that can make a real difference for this highly threatened group of fishes. I hope this plan will not only save these species but also set an example for freshwater conservation worldwide.”

Paul Bamford – Regional Field Programme Manager – Latin America, Chester Zoo

“With 21 extinctions already recorded, Mexico is the country with the most lost species. This Action Plan aims to conserve the iconic Goodeidae species and their habitats through strategic efforts.”

Topiltzin Contreras-MacBeath – Head of Conservation Biology Research, University of Morelos, and Co-Chair, Freshwater Conservation Committee, IUCN Species Survival Commission

Next Steps:

The next steps are to raise vital funds to start the conservation work that will boost the survival chances of Mexican goodeids.

The Action Plan is available 👇

Read here

The webinar is available to watch below: