Our Strategy

SHOAL’s mission is to halt extinctions and recover populations of the world’s most threatened freshwater fish species. We do this through focusing efforts on three strategic pillars: INSPIRE, MOBILISE, and ACT.


Freshwater species suffer from a PR issue. They don’t feature in big budget nature documentaries in the same way charismatic land or sea creatures do. Even on ‘freshwater’ episodes, you’re more likely to find land-lubbing creatures than the fish species hidden under the surface that are in desperate need of conservation attention.

These species’ stories aren’t shared, so few people know about them, few people care, and their chances of receiving funding are low. This needs to change. SHOAL aims to INSPIRE people about the wonders found in freshwater, to significantly shift the perception of the value of freshwater life from neglect to action.

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SHOAL builds capacity in organisations that would most benefit from support. This capacity-building is a foundation for our partners to have the best possible chance to provide excellent conservation work in the countries that need it most. We MOBILISE others to have the tools needed to thrive.


The core, on-the-ground conservation work, carried out by SHOAL Local Action Partners. With our partners, we work together to conserve freshwater species. Our strategy until 2035 is defined by the SHOAL 1,000 Fishes Blueprint: a framework for halting extinctions and recovering populations of 1,000 of Earth’s most threatened freshwater fish species.

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SHOAL fulfils this strategy through our two major programmes: