Mission and Vision

SHOAL is a new partnership aimed at engaging a wide range of organisations to accelerate and escalate action to save the most threatened fish and other freshwater species.


SHOAL is fortunate to be hosted by two highly effective, innovative conservation organisations: Synchronicity Earth in the UK, and Re:wild in the USA. They provide the framework on which the partnership is built and form the governing council, overseeing the work of the secretariat.

Strategic Partners

The Strategic Partners comprise a group of institutions that contribute, in a coordinated way, towards the implementation of SHOAL’s principal objectives. With a small secretariat, the partnership relies upon its partners to each engage in supporting its objectives in their respective areas of expertise.

Archipelago-Anavilhanas © Michel Roggo
Mato Grosso do Sul © Michel Roggo

The Team

SHOAL has a small secretariat which is supported by a team of dedicated experts. Their time is provided either by the Shoal partners or is committed on a voluntary basis. The partnership is lead by Executive Director, Mike Baltzer.