Betta patoti © Max Pedley

2024 SHOAL Photography Competition!

We are excited to announce the launch of the 2024 SHOAL Photography Competition!

The theme is “Conservation Priority Freshwater Aquarium Fishes”. We’re looking for ANY fish species that’s popular in the aquarium hobby!

* Please note, this competition previously stipulated fishes that were also found on the list of 2,338 SHOAL Priority Fishes, but we have broadened the competition rules, as there perhaps aren’t many photos of the Priority Fishes, due to their rareness.

Terms and Conditions

Photographs can have been taken at any time, not just during 2024.

The winning photographs will be used in a SHOAL Freshwater Aquarium Fishes calendar 2025, which will be sold in participating retailers worldwide. A minimum of 10% of the retail cost will be donated by Red Robin Publishing to SHOAL, helping to raise funds for our vital conservation work.

There will be 13 photographs selected – one for each month of the year, and one cover star. The winners will be chosen by the SHOAL team. There is no limit to the number of photos you can enter, though you should only submit one per species.

The closing date for entries is midnight on Saturday 31 August 2024.

Each winner will have their photo appear in the SHOAL Freshwater Aquarium Fishes calendar 2025 and in a digital exhibition on SHOAL’s website*. Each winner will also receive their own copy of the calendar, subject to international postage costs.


  • Email your submission(s) to
  • Use subject line: ‘Photo Competition Submission’.
  • Please label your submitted photograph with a file name in the following format: scientific name © photographer.
  • Photographs must be high res, at least 300dpi.
  • Include the following information: your name, social media handles (optional), Latin and common name of the species, name of river/lake/area where the photograph was taken, name of country where the photograph was taken (unless taken in an aquarium, in which case please specify).


The photograph subject should be a well-lit, sharp image of a freshwater fish species found in the aquarium hobby.

There should not be much background ‘clutter’ in the image – the viewers’ eyes should naturally be drawn to the subject species, with little else to disturb the focus on that species.

Photos that show reflections on aquarium glass or human features such as hands will be marked down.

Photos will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Composition.
  • Technical ability.
  • Appeal / suitability for inclusion in SHOAL Freshwater Aquarium Fishes calendar 2025.


  1. The photo should show the fish either in its natural habitat or in a well-cared for aquarium that uses husbandry best practice for all species living in the tank. Entrants must not cause injury or distress to any animal through the photographic process.
  2. Photographs can be submitted from anywhere worldwide.
  3. Photographs should be cropped to square aspect ratio and submitted as JPEGs.
  4. There is no limit to the number of photographs entrants submit, though there is a maximum submission allowance of one photograph per species.
  5. SHOAL is aware that digital photography allows for some image enhancement. You can enter images that have blemishes removed and colour enhanced. We will not accept composite images or the images that had AI use as part of the creation process. SHOAL reserves the right to exclude any image believed to have been excessively edited.
  6. Photographs should be saved as scientific name © photographer.
  7. The closing date for entries is midnight on Saturday 31 August 2024.
  8. Unsuccessful entrants will not be contacted, and no feedback will be provided.
  9. All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party.
  10. Entrants will retain copyright in the photographs that they submit to the competition. By entering the competition all entrants grant to SHOAL the right to publish and exhibit their photographs on the SHOAL website, in social media, and newsletter in perpetuity. Red Robin Publishing will add a caption saying, ‘image supplied courtesy of (the photographer).
  11. SHOAL reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of its control.

We will only accept JPEGS sent to

*Please make it clear on entry if you’d prefer to opt out of this.