Let’s talk about the Diadem lady’s mantle

A photograph of the Diadem lady’s mantle plant, green spiky leaves in a star shape.

Checking out one of our (literally) flashier Fantastic Freshwater species.

We’re giving some love to our Fantastic Freshwater plants this International Plant Appreciation Day. Plants are vital components of freshwater systems, oxygenating the water reducing flood risk, supporting nutrient cycling, and removing pollutants. They’re really doing some heavy lifting to keep our freshwater fresh!

Meet the Diadem lady’s mantle

The Diadem lady’s mantle (Alchemilla diademata) is a beautiful plant is native to Lebanon. Its regal name is inspired by the way its leaves form a crown-like shape around the stem.

The Diadem lady’s mantle has an interesting history of use in traditional medicine. Used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, from digestive issues to menstrual problems, some even believe the plant is anti-aging.

The plant has recognised antimicrobial properties, and is used as an effective medicine against Staphylococcus which can be associated with skin infections and food poisoning. It also appears to work as a significant repellant of silverleaf whitefly, an agricultural pest species.

A photograph of the Diadem lady’s mantle plant, green spiky leaves in a star shape.
© Hicham Elzein

Arise, threats

The Diadem lady’s mantle is one of the 50 landmark species at high risk of extinction identified in SHOAL’s Fantastic Freshwater* report. Published on 19th May 2022 (International Day for Biodiversity), Fantastic Freshwater highlights the diversity and beauty of freshwater species and the immense threats they face to their survival.

Threats to the species are closely connected to its habitat preferences, with threats including:

  • Sandstone mining
  • Overgrazing by sheep, especially during the dry season

The Eastern Mediterranean Freshwater Assessment was concluded in 2014 and represents the first major assessment of the status of and threats to freshwater biodiversity, including plants, in the region. Although large parts of this region are semi-arid and arid in nature, it supports a diverse set of freshwater species and habitats which provide a wide variety of ecosystem services to the human population, including water, food, and income.

A photograph of the Diadem lady’s mantle plant, green spiky leaves in a star shape.
© Hicham Elzein

Heavy is the head

Unfortunately there are currently no conservation actions in place to protect and restore the Diadem lady’s mantle.

In an ideal world, the actions in place would include national regulations and ex situ conservation efforts.

If you want to support the work SHOAL are doing to conserve freshwater species through action-driven conservation donate here and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter The Stream to get all the latest freshwater news straight to your inbox

*The Fantastic Freshwater: 50 landmark species for conservation report is led by SHOAL, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), the IUCN SSC Freshwater Conservation Committee, and the Global Center for Species Survival at the Indianapolis Zoo.

A photograph of the Diadem lady’s mantle plant, green spiky leaves in a star shape.
© Hicham Elzein