Trip Diary: Conservation in Southeast Asia with Mike Baltzer

A photograph of a man and a woman in front of an aquarium. Conservation southeast asia.

Come with SHOAL to Southeast Asia to meet conservation partners and visit some of the world’s most exciting freshwater ecosystems first hand.

It’s been a busy Spring for SHOAL’s Mike Baltzer. Our Executive Director has just returned from a journey across Southeast Asia that took him from Singapore to Cambodia to Thailand and back to Singapore.

“The trip gave me an invaluable opportunity to connect with local experts, plan future collaborations and see some of the world’s most biodiverse freshwater ecosystems first-hand.”

Mike Baltzer, SHOAL

First stop Singapore

Starting in Singapore, Mike attended the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting held at the Singapore Zoo, hosted by the IUCN SSC ASAP and Mandai Nature, to begin the process of designing an action plan for species conservation in Southeast Asia.

The meeting brought together experts from the region alongside those with an expertise in writing action plans for threatened species in the region, like Mike. The group discussed the process of developing this ambitious project, and how to ensure the results have the greatest impact.

“The ASEAN expert meeting was a wonderful opportunity to discuss SHOAL and freshwater conservation with national experts and potential partners, and find ways to move forward with action in each of the Southeast Asia countries.”

Mike Baltzer, SHOAL

A photograph of a man and a woman in front of an aquarium. Conservation southeast asia.
© Sheherazade, co-director of PROGRES

Mike was also able to meet up with some of our partners in Singapore including PROGRES, a conservation NGO in Sulawesi, Indonesia, which fuses science with the power of locally-led conservation action. Read more about PROGRES’ amazing work on our blog→

One of Indonesia’s leading conservation specialists Prof. Mirza Kusrini then met Mike for an enlightening and helpful discussion about potential partners in Papua and West Papua in Indonesia.

Four people sitting around a table looking forward, in a room with other people also paying attention in the background. Conservation southeast asia. Credit Mike Baltzer
© Mike Baltzer

Onwards to Cambodia

Mike then headed to Siem Reap, the home of the breathtaking Angkor Wat,  to meet potential partners and discuss future activities in the Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia. The area is one of the world’s most large and valuable wetlands.

He and the team were able to capture some striking shots of the extensive fisheries on the lake, as well as explore potential conservation projects.

“In Cambodia, I was struck by the damage, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to the local economy and threat this now posed to natural resources as people seek ways to pay off loans and restore their businesses and income sources. It was clear to see that the great fisheries of the Tonle Sap were once again a vital source of food security during the toughest times.”

Mike Baltzer, SHOAL

An aerial view of a lake with dozens of floating houses on it. Conservation southeast asia. Credit Ben Hayes
© Ben Hayes
An aerial view of fisheries of the Tonle Sap, which look like big arrows on the lake. Conservation southeast asia. Credit Ben Hayes
© Ben Hayes

Thailand and back to Singapore

On return to Singapore Mike took the opportunity to stop over in Bangkok and meet with Dr Dindo Campilan, Regional Director of the IUCN Asia Regional Office, and his team to explore potential collaboration on projects in the region.

The next day, Mike returned to Singapore for a full day meeting with the IUCN SSC ASAP and Mandai Nature team to prepare for the launch of The Strategic Framework to Accelerate Urgent Conservation Action for ASAP Freshwater Fishes in Southeast Asia on 3rd July 2023.

The trip was drawing to a close, but there’s no way Mike could fly back to the UK without squeezing in a visit to the new Bird Paradise at Singapore Zoo, after being kindly given a ticket.

“Bird Paradise is incredible. You can walk through huge aviaries and really feel that you are seeing the birds in the wild – all with clear conservation messages and actions. And of course it was great to be harassed by beautiful salmon-crested cockatoos – one of my favourite birds!”

Mike BaltzerSHOAL

A cockatoo, white with orange crest, looking straight into the camera with its mouth open. Conservation southeast asia. Credit: Mike Baltzer Two cockatoos, white with orange crest, pecking a brown shoe. Conservation southeast asia. Credit: Mike Baltzer

Reflecting back and looking forward

Southeast Asia is considered the region with the highest number of species facing immediate extinction, and freshwater fish make up the largest group with almost 100 species Critically Endangered. As aquatic species in general are overlooked globally amongst conservation actions, there is presently very little targeted conservation action underway.

SHOAL is currently working with the IUCN Species Survival Commission’s Asian Species Action Partnership and Mandai Nature on a major new report which offers conservation hope for Southeast Asia’s most threatened freshwater fish.

“As we prepare for the launch of our new report in collaboration with IUCN SSC, ASAP and Mandai Nature it is important that we meet to discuss with as many local experts as possible on potential projects and partners. There are a lot of ASAP fishes there that need immediate attention so building capacity of local NGOs across the region is a high priority.”

Mike Baltzer, SHOAL

Based in Singapore, Mandai Nature are a conservation non-profit who host organisations including the IUCN Species Survival Commission (IUCN SSC) Center for Species Survival: Southeast Asia, and the IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP).

Formed under the IUCN SSC, the Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) are an alliance of more than 220 partners working to save Critically Endangered species in Southeast Asia.

Talking freshwater fish reserves: An interview with Aaron Koning

Aaron Koning freshwater reserves
"Just make a reserve, you’ll get more fish!”

by Michael Edmondstone

Aaron Koning is a freshwater ecologist and conservation scientist, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Water Center, University of Nevada, Reno. He has spent a number of years living and working in Thailand, where he has conducted extensive research in the Salween River basin, looking at the feasibility of freshwater ‘no take’ reserves, similar to marine models, for fish conservation.

Can you give some background to the community-led fish reserves in the Salween river basin?

In the Ngao River valley, the first community reserve was created in 1993 following the suggestion of a local community development organisation at a meeting a year earlier. This first community dedicated about 1 km of the river which flows adjacent to their village to be a reserve, prohibiting harvest of fish and other aquatic organisms from the entire area.

A second community adopted the practice in 1997, and in subsequent years, over 50 communities have created their own reserves throughout the 1,000 km2 Ngao River basin.

All told, these reserves amount to around 2 per cent of the total stream length. These reserves can be found in small streams (less than 3 m wide) all the way to the largest reaches of the river (wider than 40 m). Communities determine where reserves are designated, often marking the boundaries with flags or signs, and they also determine the penalties for offenders. These penalties range from around USD 16 to USD 300 per offence, or may involve non-monetary penalties among animist communities including offerings to appease an offended spirit or deity associated with a particular reserve.

And the research you conducted there?

I started my research in the Ngao River Valley in 2013 during my doctoral studies. I had lived in Thailand for 4 years previously, and a friend suggested that I look into the Ngao River as a potential study location.

My initial research was focused on understanding how land use and landcover throughout northern Thailand affects nutrient pollution in rivers. However, the first time I looked down at a pool full of fish in the community reserves, I became immediately interested in understanding the ecological effects and conservation benefits of these reserves. I ended up altering my research plan substantially once I saw just how effective these reserves could be.

Critical to the success of the research was the generosity of local communities in letting me explore and study these areas and helping me in so many ways over the years in which I’ve done research there. The results of the study are just a testament to the communities’ success in developing and maintaining this important and effective conservation action.

What were your findings?

Our findings show that this network of small no-take reserves is highly effective at protecting fish diversity, particularly in areas where dependence on fish for food is high. My colleague Martin and I surveyed 23 reserves and adjacent fished areas, and found on average reserves held 27 per cent more fish species, more than twice the density of fish (+124 per cent), and over 20 times higher biomass of fish than unprotected areas.

Importantly, these benefits were independent of any potential habitat differences between the areas. We also found that many of the principles developed for designing reserves in marine systems also predicted the success of individual reserves in our study sites. For example, larger reserves generally had larger benefits for fish than smaller reserves. Also, reserves that were located closer to communities were generally more successful at protecting fish, particularly for larger-bodied species. By placing the reserve nearby, communities are able to more effectively survey the reserve and deter illegal harvest, it seems. In fact, many communities explicitly stated this as the rationale for siting the reserves where they did.

We also found evidence that the network position of a reserve influenced the benefits for particular groups of fish. For example, reserves that were more centrally located within the broader network benefitted some fish species more (e.g., those less likely to move long distances), while reserves located near the confluence with a larger river downstream benefitted others (e.g., larger species that may rely on connectivity to larger downstream habitats). This indicates that the network benefit of multiple reserves is important, and that tailoring the locations of reserves within the river network based on the fish targeted for conservation is important.

A stretch of the Salween River
A stretch of the Salween River (c) Aaron Koning

It sounds as though these reserves sprang up very naturally, from local community cooperation. Can you offer any advice for other communities around the world who may wish to set up their own reserves?

Well, these results definitely provide optimism that freshwater reserves can provide real benefits for fish. Furthermore, the large number of reserves that have been implemented throughout Southeast Asia for conservation suggests the benefits of similar no-take areas transfer regionally.

But when I ask friends in the communities what their advice is, the answer I most commonly get is encouragement to just do it. Many folks will say, “Just make a reserve, you’ll get more fish!”

I would echo this encouragement and suggest that, for communities who are able to work together to implement a reserve, they make it as large as feasible for their own management capacity, and to work with nearby communities to do the same, as multiple reserves seem to provide additional benefits.

But that shouldn’t discourage communities from implementing even small reserves. We saw large benefits for fish from reserve areas that covered less than a hectare. If smaller areas begin to show benefits, it can encourage communities to increase the number or size of existing reserves. That’s something that has happened among Ngao River communities, too.

I would caution that it might take a few years before differences might show up, but we saw benefits in reserves that were established for 3 years. Every socioecological context is different, of course, but these are some of the lessons we can take from our study and try to apply elsewhere.

The model sounds so simple – ‘don’t fish in these areas’ – and so effective. What barriers do you think there are to establishing reserves like this in other rivers and lakes around the world?

The concept itself is simple, but like any resource management strategy, the success comes down to whether people, both within the community and outside it, accept and support the strategy and abide by the rules. Effective governance and benefit sharing are key to conservation success across the globe. In this case, the communities themselves are implementing the action, developing the system of governance, and negotiating how the benefits are spread throughout the community. It’s not a system being imposed on the resource users, but coming from the resource users themselves.

The communities along the Ngao River are able to effectively do this in large part because of strong social cohesion and a history of communal management of resources including agricultural lands, drinking water, and fishing resources, among others. The communities, which are ethnically Karen (or P’ganyaw), have a strong cultural identity related to conservation practices for forests, water, and wildlife. Thus, these no-take fish reserves fit into a much broader community ethic of taking care of nature and each other. In areas where there isn’t the same community-wide buy-in for a conservation action, achieving the same success will likely be more of a challenge.

There’s an important, growing recognition of successful indigenous and local resource management systems around the world that mirror the success of the Ngao River communities. These systems are often successful because they are informed by the local communities and their knowledge of the ecological system, and their management actions are tailored accordingly.

Barriers to broader implementation of freshwater reserves may in part come from inequitable governance structures or a failure to ensure the benefits of the reserve were shared among stakeholders. Part of the answer to this question is rolled into the answer to the next question.

Villagers on the Salween River
Villagers on the Salween River(c) Aaron Koning

Why do you think it has taken so long for the idea of freshwater reserves, similar to marine no-take zones, to be fully explored?

The idea of Freshwater Protected Areas has been discussed for quite a few years, and there have been a number of studies that have presented evidence that they do or don’t work in various contexts. However, I think freshwater protection often gets overlooked because freshwater ecosystems are really limited in their extent on the landscape. Less than 1% of the earth’s surface is freshwater habitat, yet these habitats still hold roughly half of the world’s known fish species and thousands of other important biodiversity. Because many of the major threats to freshwater habitats result from land-based pollution or changes in land use and landcover within river basins, the general thinking has been that terrestrial protected areas sufficiently protect the rivers and lakes within their boundaries.

Terrestrial parks are really important for protecting freshwater habitats from land-based threats, and from that perspective it makes sense that this is the model that has been most widely applied for freshwater protection. Yet, there’s also good evidence that terrestrial reserves are infrequently sited based on patterns of freshwater diversity, and therefore leave gaps in protection. Also, rivers often flow through protected areas, and frequently serve as protected area boundaries, meaning they may end up providing limited protection for freshwater biodiversity. In this framework, protected areas are a management tool for species conservation, but they rarely address fish as a food source.

For protecting marine ecosystems, marine no-take reserves have been implemented largely as a response to fishing pressure or overfishing. While there is ongoing debate about how useful marine reserves are as a large-scale fisheries management tool, at smaller scales and among artisanal fishing communities, it seems there are real benefits for fishers.

Similarly, for freshwaters that continue to support important subsistence and commercial fisheries, overharvest can often be a more immediate threat to sustainable fisheries and freshwater diversity. It’s under these circumstances that I think freshwater reserves can be particularly effective. In essence, the Ngao River communities have designed their own reserve network, and they fish intensively at reserve boundaries to catch fish moving out of reserves. And fishers in Mae Ngao report that the reserves do benefit their catch, and often describe that without the reserves there would be no fish left to support their communities.

Unfortunately, rarely are freshwater ecosystems imperilled by a single threat like overharvest or land use change. Rather, there are frequently multiple interacting threats to a particular freshwater ecosystem and its biodiversity. So, while freshwater no-take reserves might address overharvest as a primary threat, they may offer partial, but insufficient long-term protection for freshwater biodiversity in areas of active deforestation, heavy industrial pollution, or basins impacted by dams, for example. Where multiple stressors or threats interact, successful conservation will likely require multiple forms of protection.

What research can we expect from you over the coming months?

I’ve got some ongoing work in the Ngao River trying to understand how important connectivity among the individual reserves is for their success. This is collaborative work with folks from Cornell University (Peter McIntyre), Carleton University in Ontario (Steve Cooke), the Fisheries Conservation Foundation, and University of Nevada, Reno (Zeb Hogan). We’re conducting a movement study of fish, fitting them with radio trackers, to see how they move seasonally and how they use reserve and non-reserve areas through time. Because many of these reserves are individually small, this connectivity among reserves may be really important for long term persistence of fish species that require larger habitats.

Aaron Koning conducting field work
Aaron conducting field work (c) Julie Claussen, Fisheries Conservation Foundation

I’ve also recently started working on a couple of projects in Cambodia as a postdoctoral fellow with the University of Nevada, Reno’s Wonders of the Mekong project. Around 2012, the Cambodian government created several large no-take reserves. Additionally, many communities are authorised to manage their own fisheries under the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. These community-managed fishery areas typically include small no-take areas as well. In each of these contexts we’re working to understand how effective these reserves are for maintaining biodiversity and sustaining fisheries to see if the lessons we’ve learned in the Ngao River scale up and transfer to this important regional fishery. By studying these systems we’re hoping to gain further insights into how no-take areas might benefit both fish conservation and sustain fisheries in other contexts around the world. This work is ongoing and impacted by travel restrictions for the time being, but I’m looking forward to ramping up our work in the coming months.

An abundance of fish
Freshwater reserves in Thailand have caused fish populations to soar. (c) Aaron Koning

Stay up to date with Aaron’s work via his website: and his Twitter account: @akoning.